Windows Scripting
As a long time IT security professional, I will occasionally have to write script for various reasons. Especially when perform audits or having to setup user accounts as they login. I usually find it hard to write them after I have not written one for a long time and have to lookup multiple sites on how to do a specific script. I found these sites as the most beneficial for everyday systems administrator tasks and tasks for those that perform security functions:
- Ron van der Woude's Scripting Pages
- Richard L. Mueller - Hilltop Lab
- Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog
- Developer Resources (
Free Training/Education
Are you and/or your employer broke (i.e. no money)? Are you tired of paying for training that you just can't afford? Well here are a few training sites that will help you save a few dollars:
- Development for Beginners Learnging Center - a great site to go from beginner to intermediate development.
- Legacy Beginner Developer Learning Center - this is Microsoft's older site, but this was the one that got me started in programming for a systems administrator job that I had. Not only did I save a few bucks, but I also learned enough to put ahead of the class that I had taken on an online college course for Visual Basic .Net. I highly recommend this and the site above it.
- Open Culture - offers free courses in various subjects
- Open Courseware Consortium - offers free college level course in various subjects and probably the most widely known of those listed here.
Please be aware that when I refer to hacking, I am referring to modding a system (e.g. Pogoplug, NSLU2, etc) to do things that it was not originally designed to do by the manufacturer. I use that term in its old school sense and meaning, not the mainstream media sense. Either way, I would only recommend these sites if you understand that there is risk that something will break; if you are afraid of breaking something, then don't go to these sites.
iPhone, iPad, and other Apple products
- Dev-Team Blog - a great site for jailbreaking some of your Apple products, in particular iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. It is also the home of redsn0w.
- xdadevelopers - a great site for hacking/modding your Android device (e.g. Samsung Galaxy, Nexus 7, et al), especially rooting your device to get additional feature (e.g. enabling your smartphone as wi-fi hotspot). Be aware that many phone companies are against this, because they want you to pay to use your phone as a hotspot.
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